Cameras have changed our lives and currently, we can’t think of leaving cameras behind and moving because they are not used only for clicking pictures, but they are used for major projects, the entertainment sector is completely dependent on them, and even today security of homes depend on cameras.

Top Mini Dashboard Cameras

As cameras became increasingly popular for entertainment and other purposes, they also became a tool for safety and to avoid any mishappening. Using such a word because the development of CCTVs and spy cameras represent such a term, cameras did not limit themselves to homes, today the whole world traffic system has cameras to avoid any wrong accusation. Vehicles today also have cameras to navigate and record their surroundings. One such example is dashboard cameras which are installed in cars, vans, trucks, and busses to avoid any road rages.

The mini cameras for the dashboard have a long list some famous ones are: 

Onn mini dashcamGarmin mini dashcamQuelima 

The list is long let’s look closely and discuss these cameras. 

Benefits of dashboard cameras: 

Before going on with the types of dashcams available in the market, it is essential to be aware of why the dashboard camera needs to be installed. Well growing road accidents and thefts of vehicles have increased tremendously in these past years, and to avoid such mishappening it is important to have it and apart from this there are some reasons such as: 

Can help claim car insurance after an accident with a vehicleRecords first-hand accident shreds of evidence Records inside a vehicle can be helpful during any theft. Provide 24/7 car monitoring and security

Top mini dashboard cameras:

Let’s see the top mini dashboard cameras with their features and price:

Onn Mini Dashcam

Onn Mini Dashcam is one of the low-budget small cameras with great features that allow sharp and clear images and recording throughout the day. It is easy to install as it comes with a sticking pad. 

It costs under $30.

Garmin Mini Dashcam

This is one of the advanced cameras that people should use inside their vehicles, it comes with motion sensors and it also on detecting something unusual in the surrounding of the car and starts automatic recordings. 

Garmin Mini Dashcam costs around $130 in Walmart stores and can vary in different stores.

Quelima SQ23 Mini Camera

Quelima has always tried to give their customers the best possible cameras when it comes to dash cam and SQ23 is such an example, one of the common issues with cameras is that record for a limited area. However, SQ23 can record up to 170 degrees from its placement location.

It costs around $32.

Youpin DDpai Mini dash cam

One of the high-definition cameras when it comes to its dashcam section has helped car owners to detect any kind of motion around their cars and their quality of recording exactly tells who it is, easy to place as it occupies a small area.

It costs around $60-$65.

Hilitand SQ11 1080 mini camera

If we are talking about high-definition dashcam cameras then leaving this camera will be unfair, Hilitand is one of the best dashcam cameras in terms of user experience and picture quality. It does not come up with many features and many things need to be turned manually.

It costs around $15 to $20.

VanTop H609 Dash Camera

This is one of the best dashcam cameras on the market, it comes with premium features including automatic recording and a 170-degree recording option. This dashcam is not limited to this it also has a live GPS tracking system inside the camera which can be accessed by the owner from anywhere. 

It costs around $90 to $150 depending on the type as it comes with three options.

How to install Dashcam cameras?

Installing a dashcam is also not everyone’s cup of tea because some may disturb their view by installing it in the wrong place so let us look at the whole process that is involved. 

It is very important to decide the right position for installing the dashcam, as it should have all the coverage and should not disturb the driver’s view. Then the next step is to find the fuse box inside the carAs the wire is attached to the dashcam so placing and routing wires or cables are the most important thing. Locate a ground point where the fuse box is located install the kit and button up the procedure means that pack all outlets let after the installation and connection with the fuse boxCheck the dashcam.


Cameras are one of the biggest and best inventions of humankind today most things depend on automated cameras or manual, and even the whole entertainment sector depends on them, related to television and digital platforms. Cameras are also important from a security point of view and that is the reason dashcams have become an important thing to have in the car, because not only do they help during any mishappening but also it is useful to make subsequent claims after the accident or mishappening, discussed above are the list of top mini dashboard cameras.